I am thankful for you!
I'm David Jay, the founder of Warm Welcome, and every single one of us here is on a mission to make the world more personal.
- We believe that business, at its best, is personal, purposeful and Monday's can be something we're passionate about.
- We believe that most of us would prefer to talk to other people as opposed to ro(bots).
- We believe that empathy is more important than efficiency.
- We believe that every. single. person. is a unique and unrepeatable miracle.
Today is November 1st, 2019 and I love November. It's a month that reminds me of all the things I have to be thankful for. A few years back we started #30DOT which stands for "30 Days of Thankfulness" and it has been one of the most wonderful ways to end the year and we'd love it if you'd join us. It's easy. Simply think about one person or thing each day that you're thankful for and for extra credit you can post about it which might brighten someone else's day too.
Checkout the video below and tell someone today that you're thankful for them.
Thankful for you,